Regulatory Services

The Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority (ZURA) is a multi-sectoral regulator responsible for technical and economic regulations of the Water and energy sector in Zanzibar. It was established under section 4 of the Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority Act No. 7/2013 of the Laws of Zanzibar.

The Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority (ZURA) has been established by ZURA Act, of 2013, for the purpose of regulating water, electricity and downstream petroleum service provision in Zanzibar. The ZURA three-year strategic plan (2015-2018) takes into account experiences and recent developments in the energy and water sector locally and globally and aims to improve the regulation of key infrastructure services hitherto regulated by line ministries responsible for policy formation and financial oversight.

Vision 2020 aims to ensure adequate, environmentally sound, alternative and sustained energy supplies for easing socio-economic development. The vision also aims to ensure adequate, affordable and economically accessible and sustained water supplies to all people and sectors using environmentally sound water resource management technologies for continued social and economic growth and development.

An important statutory mandate of ZURA is to regulate the water and energy sectors in a fair, transparent and predictable manner, which will spur sectoral growth, public and private investment thereby guaranteeing quality service standards to water and energy consumers.

The main focus of ZURA as stipulated by the strategic objectives during implementation of its three years strategy plan is:

  • To promote sustainable and efficient provision of utility services for economic development consistent with Government’s policy
  • To protect the interests of energy and water users by ensuring that demand is sustainably met with reliable, cost effective and high quality energy and water services.
  • To protect the interests of consumers by providing an avenue for appeal in their relationship with the utility providers
  • To influence, advise on and implement government policy, to meet ZURA’s statutory objectives and functions.
  • To strengthen the ZURA’s institutional capacity to discharge its functions independently, impartially and effectively.


Excellent Customer Service to Consumers is a vital and not an option for businesses. ZURA is responsible to protect the interests of consumers and promoting the availability of regulated services to all consumers including low income, rural and disadvantaged consumers in the regulated sectors.